When It comes to cleaning and maintaining bathroom tile, many homeowners become overwhelmed by the area needed to be cleaned. Most people will put this off as more of a once every 6 months cleaning job and focus on the floor, toilet, sink and tub. Because newer homes today are built with more and more decorative tile, a faster and more efficient way of cleaning tile needs to be developed.
The problem with bathroom tile is that it becomes exposed to hard mineral steam and water on a daily basis. This creates build-up on the tile and in the grout lines that gets mixed with dust and grime. Over time your grout lines become discolored and your tile gets water stains and spots.
How to Clean Bathroom Tile Effectively
The best method I have found to clean tile in the bathroom is to use a product that has a proven track record of removing hard water stains and pulling stains from grout lines. The Bring It On Cleaner formula has a jewelers grade abrasive that will help cut through hard minerals and an added oxygen bleach that will pull stains from grout lines.
Because of the amount of scrubbing need to clean all the tile in your shower and bathroom, I recommend using with the Bring It On Cleaner these amazing Drill Brushes that take the scrubbing out of the equation.
Here is how to clean your bathroom tile.
Attach your flat drill brush to your household drill and dip the brush in some water.
Apply the Bring It On Cleaner to the surface to be cleaned and spread the product around with the brush before engaging the drill (this helps to avoid the product being flipped around).
Next, work in sections and engage the drill applying pressure (make sure you have enough product to cover the entire area).
Once you clean all the horizontal and vertical surfaces, switch to the corner brush for all you corners and edges and repeat the process.
Let the product sit on the cleaned area for 15 minutes so the oxygen bleach can do its job.
Now, wash the surface clean of all the product and make sure you cleaned everywhere.
Bathroom Tile Cleaning